Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative

Exhibitor Hall

The Ver­mont Vir­tual Learn­ing Coop­er­a­tive connects students with Ver­mont schools through K-12 virtual learning. Our goal is to over­come the three most com­mon bar­ri­ers that pre­vent stu­dents from tak­ing the courses they want or need in schools. These bar­ri­ers are avail­abil­ity of courses, acces­si­bil­ity to courses and the flex­i­bil­ity of your edu­ca­tion. VTVLC works with your school to give you access to the courses you want dur­ing a time that works for you by offer­ing the course online. All courses offered by VTVLC online are acces­si­ble from any­where, any­time. Whether you learn best at 1 am or 1 pm, at school or at home, your online courses are only a click away.