8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM
9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Session Block D
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Digital Addiction
Mike McRaith - Associate Executive Director, VT Principals Association
Developing AI Literacy
Jennifer Fribush - Coordinator of Curriculum and Professional Development, VTVLC
Cyber Safety: Balancing Safety and Program Support
Peter Drescher - Director of Technology and Innovation, Essex Westford School District
Empowering Exceptional Learners
Melissa Sargent-Minor - Director of Special Education, Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative
Sonia Comstock - Student Support, VTVLC
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
12:00 PM - 1:00 AM
Session Block E
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Navigating the Horizon: The Trajectory of Online Education
Jeff Renard - Founding Principal/Consultant, eCampus Group
Project SELFIE: Keeping Youth Safe on the Internet
Marcie Hambrick
Developing and Sustaining Flexible Pathways for Students at the District Level
Ryan Parkman - Personalized Learning Program Manager at Vermont Agency of Education
Jess DeCarolis - Director of Student Pathways at VT AOE
Immersive Learning: Revolutionizing K-12 Education with AR, VR, and Spatial Computing
Leo Brehm - Chief Technology Officer, Cape Cod Collaborative
Session Block F
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Leo Brehm - Chief Technology Officer, Cape Cod Collaborative
Building a K-8 Community Online
Jennifer Hindes - K-8 Principal, VTVLC
Fostering Engagement & Empathy in Virtual Learning Through Personalized & Positive Connections
Sonia Comstock - Student Support, VTVLC
Chief Gagne Describes the Influence of Title VI Indian Education and The Circle of Courage
Chief Brenda Gagne - Chief, Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi
2:45 PM - 3:00 PM