Jess DeCarolis

Director of Student Pathways at VT AOE

In her position as Division Director of the Student Pathways Division at the Agency of Education, Jess oversees the work of six teams responsible for the implementation of proficiency-based and personalized learning, local comprehensive assessment systems, content standards and coordinated curriculum, flexible pathways to graduation (such as dual enrollment, early college, high school completion program, and work-based learning), adult education, after-school programming, career and technical education, education technology, literacy and Community Schools. She also was tasked with overseeing the transition to remote learning and continuity of learning during the initial phases of the COVID-19 pandemic and was tasked with and is leading Academic Recovery efforts and investments as part of the State’s Recovery Plan. Jess has been a leader in regional and state efforts to diversify the educator workforce, including acting as co-chair of the New England Secondary School Task Force to Diversify the Educator Workforce; and she currently supports and is a member of various committees and task force groups related to after school and summer programs, workforce development, literacy, and adult education, and she is a serving member of the Governing Board for the Regional Educational Laboratories Northeast & Islands.