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Fostering Engagement & Empathy in Virtual Learning Through Personalized & Positive Connections

Presenters: Sonia Comstock
Friday, 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM, Chateaugay
Presentation Link

In the dynamic landscape of education, my focus lies on fostering meaningful connections with students through weekly check-ins. This approach goes beyond conventional teaching methods, aiming to understand students on a personal level. By delving into their unique challenges and strengths, I guide them in honing crucial skills like time management and effective study techniques. My commitment to empowering students extends to emphasizing the significance of self-advocacy and constructive communication with teachers. The core of my educational philosophy is creating a positive and constructive environment where students not only thrive academically but also personally. Through this approach, I aim to cultivate a sense of agency in students, encouraging them to take ownership of their learning journey. By instilling confidence and providing support, I believe in nurturing well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also equipped with essential life skills. This holistic approach to education ensures that students not only succeed online but also develop into resilient, self-aware individuals ready to navigate the challenges of the future.