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Flash Session 3: Authentic and Valid Mathematics Assessments

Presenters: Rebecca Lowe
Thursday, 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM, Library
Presentation Link

(10:15 - 10:30) Cheating in math courses poses a prevalent academic integrity issue, exacerbated in online settings with readily available solutions on platforms like Chegg and Brainly. The advent of ChatGBT further facilitates resourceful students in accessing online answers. Upholding learning respect hinges on academic integrity, prompting a need for educators to enlighten students on its significance. A proactive approach involves restricting easy access to online resources for solving math queries. This 15-minute lesson delves into VTVLC teachers' efforts to counter this, crafting math problems specifically designed to thwart easy online solution searches. This 15-minute lesson goes deeper into the initiatives taken by a cohort of VTVLC high school math teachers to address this challenge. They have devised math problems intentionally crafted to resist straightforward online solution searches, fostering a more authentic and intellectually rigorous learning environment that encourages critical thinking and mastery of the subject matter. This session will present their strategies along with sample before-and-after questions.